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Detailed Description:
With a team split into teams of 5 each, teams prepare for the gourmet challenge of their lives!
This challenge can be adjusted based on time available and made as simple and as complex as you wish.
For your team we would recommend the full package, starting in the afternoon, the team would depart by bus
for the venue. (We recommend a bus to ensure everyone arrives at the same time and can travel back safely
after possibly having a few drinks).
Upon arrival, the group would be presented with a mocktail and split into either random or predetermined
Whilst the teams are mingling with their drinks, facilitators would slip each team an envelope which would
contain a set of instructions and a challenge, which the teams would need to mobilise themselves to complete
(Non-physical challenge). This would lead them to a table cloth, aprons and fabric paints. They would then
create their cooking team brand, based on a mix of each person’s individual brand, linked in with something
from your company brand, for example one of the values. Points would be scored for the best presented
brand. (The aprons and branding are optional)
Now that the teams have an identity, they would complete a second time based challenge. The winning team
would be allowed to pick from the collection of ingredients first, second team second and so on.
With their chosen ingredients, (With no other briefing about what is happening next) the teams need to plan a
three course menu, starter, main and dessert, using what they have.
As the teams set to with their cooking, random challenges would be introduced, which if successfully
completed, would allow them to choose from certain incentives, such as a flip through a recipe book for some
inspiration, Corporate Adventures Moola to buy more ingredients, or even certain booby prizes.
Once the creations are complete, teams would be judged by our team of chef’s and facilitators on
presentation, taste and originality and awarded points.
The winning team overall would receive a splendid prize of one of the latest cookbooks and a gourmet
cooking lesson (Costed separately, you can do your own prizes if you wish)
After a debrief and with a glass of champagne, the prize giving would be held while the teams enjoy their
spoils and watch snippets filmed of their cooking adventures and have a good laugh. (Optional) Emergency
pizzas will be on hand for any flops or still hungry bellies!
The process would be facilitated by 4 Corporate Adventure’s facilitators.